What happens when the power you have pre paid for suddenly goes out. In my experience the first impulse is to check whether the units have run out. But most times in the recent past just before one o clock in the afternoon i have found out that it is the supply from Kenya power that is out. As a result of the black out loses begin with all the fresh foods and dairies in the freezer become endangered. If the situation remains the same until dusk, there is alternative sources of power to look for. Lest I have to spend the night in the dark.
There are major questions to ask about what causes thes black outs. is it old technology? Too many subscribers on a stretched resource,?or just innefective monopolies supplying the resource. Kenya Power and Lighting recently rebranded to Kenya Power. I hope it is not that they forgot that their key business was to provide lighting and concentrated on being the power.
Today, the Kenya Power eventually came out and gave a schedule for the rationing of this vital resource. Their excuse is that there was a glitch in the procurement plan and some guarantees that dont explain why there is the black out. This begs a thought what should we do as responsible citizens? Are we going to accept the same excuses given 12 years ago when the first rationing begun. Was it more important to have the prepaid service and the issuance of free bulbs when the same funds could have supported generation of electricity or research on utilising the gabage and other resources that could be used as fuel to generate power?
If you feel the same pain as i do. Being a small scale business owner who has to watch machines that cannot work at the time when required because redy kilowatt was fired. Please, lets join hands and send a serious petition to the Kenya Power and inform them that they need to provide the Power which we pay for especially when we have to a pre pay them and make contribution to the many adjustments for fuel, forex and others that the company has no courage to explain.
By the way, as share holders of the same company we need an explanation for this embarassment. if you went to school and studied electricty and how it is sourced this is the time to stand up and be counted'give alternative solutions to this company that is increasingly becoming unreasonable. we need solutions not excuses.
What do you think?
Thank you to all those who heard or decided on their own to get the solution, it is great to have at least several projects that will create five times the energy supply required by the Nation. Thank you very Much.